365 Challenge

Take at least one photograph using a large format camera.

The view camera is a choice tool for the inspirational people I look up to in the art and photography world. I started this challenge on 1/1/2024 and made just one picture a day with a large format view camera, and set up to make 366 photographs by 12/31/2024. At least I would have, notwithstanding some errors. This challenge not only reshaped my thought process, forcing me to think of stupid and weird concepts for photographs, but to tackle problems of handling and developing massive amounts of film that accumulated as each day passed. I set new challenges by taking the camera outside, to the tops of vistas, in front of strangers, and even across state lines in order to fulfill a photograph a day.

*From Jan to March I will finish developing and processing all remaining film, which is about 100-120 films. I hope by then this page will be completed.

Here are some highlights from week to week. Full catalogue is below.

Full Collection: Themes by month

1- Unassigned
2- Macro
3- Intentional Misfocus
4- Nude
5- Architecture, Surgery
6- Vistas
7- Portraits 1-27
8- Portraits 28-53
9- Portraits 54-XX
10- Portraits XX-100
11- Product
12- Color

January - Unassigned

February - Macro

March - Intentional Misfocus

April - Nude

May - Architecture, Surgery

June - Vistas

(I’m going to get back to this one after I finish 100 portraits)

July - 100 Portraits (1-27)

August - 100 Portraits (28-53)

September - 100 Portraits (54-XX)

October - Portraits (XX-100)